A Look at the US Oil Boom - Without the Hype

by Tadeusz W. Patzek
Year: 2012


Patzek, T. W., "A Look at the US Oil Boom - Without the Hype," OilPrice.com, Nov. 21, 2012.


The United States consumed 18.8 million barrels per day (MMbd) of petroleum products during 2011, making us the world's largest petroleum consumer. The United States was third in crude oil production at 5.7 MMbd. But crude oil alone does not constitute all U.S. petroleum supplies. Significant gains occur, because crude oil expands in the refining process, liquid fuel is captured in the processing of natural gas, and we have other sources of liquid fuel, including biofuels. These additional supplies totalled 4.6 MMbd in 2011.


Production Rate Decline Condensate Volume Gain Crude Oil Demand Destruction Efficiency Energy Independence LPG Natural Gas Petroleum Product Refinery Russia Saudi Arabia Security Self-delusions