Siarhei Khirevich, PhD

Research Scientists

Research Scientist



B5/L3 - 3216-WS19

Research Interests

Khirevich's scientific and research interests relate to computer simulations of transport (flow, diffusion, hydrodynamic dispersion) in complex geometries, addressing such aspects of this topic as computer generation of porous media, its geometrical analysis, accuracy of transport simulations, and structure-transport correlations. For simulations he heavily employs the lattice Boltzmann and random-walk particle-tracking methods both implemented for efficient execution on supercomputing platform at a scale.

Selected Publications

  • Coarse- and fine-grid numerical behavior of MRT/TRT lattice-Boltzmann schemes in regular and random sphere packings 
    S. Khirevich, I. Ginzburg, and U. Tallarek
    Journal of Computational Physics, 281: 708- 742, (2015)
  • Statistical analysis of packed beds, the origin of short-range disorder, and its impact on eddy dispersion 
    S. Khirevich, A. Daneyko, A. Höltzel, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, and U. Tallarek
    Journal of Chromatography A, 1217: 4713- 4722, (2010)
  • Time and length scales of eddy dispersion in chromatographic beds 
    S. Khirevich, A. Höltzel, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, and U. Tallarek
    Analytical Chemistry, 81: 7057- 7066, (2009)
  • Large-scale simulation of flow and transport in reconstructed HPLC-microchip packings 
    S. Khirevich, A. Höltzel, S. Ehlert, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, and U. Tallarek
    Analytical Chemistry, 81: 4937- 4945, (2009)


  • P h.D. (Dr. rer. nat.), Philipps University of Marburg, Germany, 2010
  • Research Scholarship, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany, 2007
  • Diploma in Radiophysics and Electronics (with Distinction), Belarusian State University, Belarus, 2005

Professional Profile

​​Siarhei Khirevich graduated from Belarusian State University with a diploma in Radiophysics and Electronics in 2005. Hereafter he moved to Germany (Magdeburg and later Marburg) to pursue a doctoral degree under the supervision of Prof. Ulrich Tallarek at Universities of Magdeburg and Marburg.  Khirevich remained with the group as a Post-doctoral Fellow to perform additional research relating to findings during his Ph.D. studies.  After short-term visit with Prof. Irina Ginzburg (France) in 2014, Khirevich joined the group of Prof. Shuyu Sun as a Post-doctoral Fellow at KAUST (Saudi Arabia).  In 2015, he joined EGG as its first Research Scientist.


​​Best poster awards at HPLC 2009, 2010, and 2012 conferences.​​

KAUST Affiliations

Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center (ANPERC)
Division of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE)​

Research Interests Keywords

Transport in Porous Media Lattice Boltzmann Method Large scale/High Capacity Computing